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Melanson, Sarah

### Ausbildung/Beruf/Qualifikation
* 1998: CELTA, Oxford, UK
* 2000-2001: Master Studium, EAP/ESP, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
* 2002-2017: Dozentin English für Akademische Studien, Orlando, Florida, USA
* 2018: Dozentin English für Medizin, Cardiff, Wales, UK
* Seit 2019: Dozentin English als Fremdsprache

### Themenschwerpunkte und Interessengebiete
* Englisch für medizinische Fachkräfte (einschließlich OET-Vorbereitung)
* Englisch für bestimmte akademische Studien
* Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Austausch
* Nachhaltigkeit

### Die Münchner Volkshochschule ist für mich...
ein Ort zum Lehren, Lernen, Kennenlernen und Austauschen von Kenntnissen, Ideen und Erfahrungen.

Sarah Melanson ist an der MVHS seit 2019 tätig und arbeitet als Dozentin im Fachgebiet Englisch.

Englisch C1 Reading: Short Stories Online-Kurs
Mi. 16.10.2024 19:30

Improve your English by reading, analysing, and discussing stories from a full length book. You will spend 60 minutes in an online class on Zoom each week, and in between, you will participate in online discussions and tasks with your teacher.

Kursnummer T520330
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 144,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
Englisch B1 Conversation and Language Practice Online-Kurs
Fr. 18.10.2024 10:30

Practice and improve your spoken English! We will focus on authentic language from videos or short texts, and use activities to make you feel more confident with spontaneous conversations and your listening comprehension, while also helping to increase your vocabulary.

Kursnummer T520140
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 112,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
Englisch B2/C1 Friday Lunch Conversation Online-Kurs
Fr. 18.10.2024 12:15

Bring a sandwich and join our online lunchtime English conversation group. This course is designed to improve your fluency and confidence in a friendly, supportive, and informal environment. Your teacher will send you topics to prepare through our internal platform, and you will meet once a week for a video session with Zoom.

Kursnummer T520250
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 112,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
Englisch B1/B2 Reading Group - Re-told and original stories at your level Online-Kurs
Mo. 21.10.2024 17:30

Read interesting texts, improve your vocabulary and your writing and speaking skills in English. You will receive various questions and tasks from your teacher to work on and prepare for the video lesson. The instructor will be available to answer your questions in the outside the lessons.

Kursnummer T520190
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 80,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
Englisch B2 Conversation Practice Online-Kurs
Mo. 21.10.2024 18:45

This course is designed for practising and improving your spoken English. We will focus on a wide range of interesting topics and activities to make you feel more confident with spontaneous conversations and improve your listening comprehension, while also helping to increase your vocabulary.

Kursnummer T520222
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 112,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
Englisch B1/B2 Reading Group - Re-told and original stories at your level Online-Kurs
Mo. 13.01.2025 17:30

Read interesting texts, improve your vocabulary and your writing and speaking skills in English. You will receive various questions and tasks from your teacher to work on and prepare for the video lesson. The instructor will be available to answer your questions in the outside the lessons.

Kursnummer T520198
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 77,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
Englisch B2 Conversation Practice Online-Kurs
Mo. 20.01.2025 18:45

This course is designed for practising and improving your spoken English. We will focus on a wide range of interesting topics and activities to make you feel more confident with spontaneous conversations and improve your listening comprehension, while also helping to increase your vocabulary.

Kursnummer T520234
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 140,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
Englisch B1 Conversation and Language Practice Online-Kurs
Fr. 24.01.2025 10:30

Practice and improve your spoken English! We will focus on authentic language from videos or short texts, and use activities to make you feel more confident with spontaneous conversations and your listening comprehension, while also helping to increase your vocabulary.

Kursnummer T520148
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 140,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
Englisch B2/C1 Friday Lunch Conversation Online-Kurs
Fr. 24.01.2025 12:15

Bring a sandwich and join our online lunchtime English conversation group. This course is designed to improve your fluency and confidence in a friendly, supportive, and informal environment. Your teacher will send you topics to prepare through our internal platform, and you will meet once a week for a video session with Zoom.

Kursnummer T520256
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 140,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
B1/B2 Reading Group Re-told and original stories at your level
Mo. 24.02.2025 17:30
Re-told and original stories at your level

Read interesting texts, improve your vocabulary and your writing and speaking skills in English. You will receive various questions and tasks from your teacher to work on and prepare for the video lesson. The instructor will be available to answer your questions in the outside the lessons.

Kursnummer U520190
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 77,00
Dozent*in: Sarah Melanson
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07.01.25 14:40:05
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