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Webb, Pauline Ann

Englisch C1 Word Power Online-Kurs
Di. 12.03.2024 18:15

In this course you will learn vocabulary and grammar at the C1 level in a goal-oriented manner with focus on speaking. Please take into account time for additional work at home and with the online learning platform.

Kursnummer S520300
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 280,00
Dozent*in: Pauline Ann Webb
Job Extras: Effective Presentations in English B2 Online-Kurs
Do. 18.04.2024 16:00

Your English is already quite good but you need to practise your presentation skills? In this workshop you will learn how to prepare for your next presentation effectively. In the first lessons we will concentrate on the language and structure for presentations, e.g. how to introduce the topic, to keep the audience's attention, and to answer questions. Later in the course you will have the chance to deliver a 15-minute presentation and receive feedback from your teacher and group.

Kursnummer S520540
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 125,00
Dozent*in: Pauline Ann Webb
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08.06.24 20:42:16